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Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)


Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium application for 2024 Continuum of Care Application

Each year the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases a NOFO for its CoC program. The CoC program is designed to provide funding for nonprofit providers and local governments to quickly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness.

The annual Housing and Urban Development "Continuum of Care Competition" is underway. There are many details below on this funding source.


This is a highly competitive difficult grant to obtain, so I highly recommend any interested agencies contact me Jonny Burke,,  with interest in a project application.

2024 Notice of Funding Availability for the Continuum of Care Program Competition

The 2024 Notice of Funding Availability for the Continuum of Care Program Competition was released by HUD on July 30, 2024.  Agencies desiring to participate in the FY2024 Continuum of Care Competition will need to read and complete the following process in order to be eligible and prepared for this year’s application submission. 


An “Introduction to the CoC Competition” webinar recording is available.


Any agency that has not applied for CoC Program Competition funds in the past are encouraged to watch the webinar. 



All applicants must have an active Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) and have an active registration in the

System for Award Management (SAM) before submitting an application.


New Projects

CoCs may request funding for new projects through

(1) the reallocation process; (2) the bonus project; or (3) the Domestic Violence Bonus Project. The Continuum of Care encourages lower performing renewal projects to reallocate funding for the creation of new projects.


Through the Bonus Project (amount TBD), the CoC may request funds for the following types of new projects.

  • New permanent supportive housing projects that meet the requirements of DedicatedPlus or will serve 100% chronically homeless families and individuals. A DedicatedPLUS project is a permanent supportive housing project where 100% of the beds are dedicated to serve individuals with disabilities and families in which one adult or child has a disability, including unaccompanied homeless youth, that are chronically homeless.

  • New rapid re-housing projects for homeless individuals and families coming directly from the streets or emergency shelters, and include persons fleeing domestic violence situations and other persons meeting the criteria of paragraph (4) of the definition of homelessness.

  • New joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing – Rapid Rehousing projects combine these two project components into a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. It is required that the project follow a Housing First approach.

  • New Supportive Services Only Coordinated Entry(SSO-CE) projects to develop or operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system.

  • New HMIS project for HMIS costs that may only be carried out by the HMIS Lead.

  • Expand existing eligible renewal projects that will increase the number of units, persons served, services provided to existing program participants, or to add additional activities to HMIS and SSO-Coordinated Entry Projects.


Through the DV Bonus (amount TBD), the CoC may request funds for up to 3 types of projects:

  • New rapid re-housing projects for homeless individuals and families fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.

  • New joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing – Rapid Rehousing projects that combine these two project components into a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness. It is required that the project follow a Housing First approach.

  • New Supportive Services Only Projects for Coordinated Entry to implement policies, procedures, and practices that equip the CoC’s coordinated entry to better meet the needs of survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

  • Expand existing eligible renewal projects that will increase the number of units, persons served, services provided to existing program participants, or to add additional activities to HMIS and SSO-Coordinated Entry Projects.


*All Applicants*

Prepare, if funded, to participate in the HUD-mandated Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and Coordinated Entry. HUD funded agencies are responsible for the technological responsibilities of participation in HMIS.

Applicants should start to plan for and secure commitments of match

  • Match – a 25% cash or in-kind match is required for all program components except leasing. Match is

  • required for both new and renewal projects.

  • Match documentation can be in the form of signed letters, memoranda of understanding, or other written evidence of a commitment and must be turned in with the DRAFT application. At a minimum, they must:

    • be on letterhead stationary from the organization providing the funds

    • be signed and dated by an authorized official

    • contain the name of the organization providing the contribution

    • contain the type of contribution (cash, childcare, case management, mental health services, etc.)

    • contain the monetary value of the contribution

    • contain the name of the applicant agency and the name of the project to which the contribution will be given

    • contain the date that the contribution will be available

  • Commitments of land, building and equipment are one-time only and cannot be claimed in more than one competition. For example, the value of donated land or donated computers claimed in the 2014, 2015 or 2016 competitions by a project cannot be claimed as leveraging by that project or any other project in subsequent competitions.

  • It is the responsibility of each agency to understand and adhere to all HUD guidelines and regulations.


The Ranking and Rating Committee is responsible for ensuring that the entire application is complete and

submitted appropriately using a standardized rating and ranking tool. The committee will rank projects using the following criteria:

  • HUD Threshold Requirements

  • Coordinated Entry Participation

  • Housing First Implementation

  • Documented, Secured Match

  • Reasonable Costs Per Permanent Housing Exit

  • Project Financial Feasibility

  • Data Quality

  • Bed/Unit Utilization Rate

  • Racial & Gender Equity

  • System Performance Measures (i.e. Length of Stay, Exits to Permanent Housing, Returns to Homelessness, New or Increased Income, access to benefits, etc.)

  • Serving High Need Populations

  • HMIS Participation (Or Comparable Database)



*All deadlines are subject to change based on the deadlines established by HUD in the FY2024 NOFA.


• Renewal Project Applications must be submitted in eSNAPS by September 10, 2024.


• New Project Applications must be submitted in eSNAPS by September 20, 2024.


All Project Applicants (including new project applicants):

  • Agencies must complete the Supplemental Equity and Compliance Survey, as well as the Housing First Self Assessment by September 5, 2024.

  • The rating and ranking committee will review project applications between September 20-October 4,2024

  • All project applicants will receive notification, in writing by October 7, 2024 if their application was either accepted or rejected. Applications will NOT be returned in eSNAPS. Applications will only be returned if major revisions are necessary.


Training materials for e-snaps can be found here:


For more information regarding the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), please visit


To receive email updates from HUD, visit to sign up for the HUD Exchange program mailing list for the CoC Program.


Any technical assistance questions can be directed to Johnny Burke at

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