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HUD CoCBuilds Competition


This opportunity is available ONLY for New construction of Permanent Supportive Housing Projects.​​


For more information and to participate click the button below

Wooden Home Framing

HUD Continuum of Care Program Competition


The Annual Housing and Urban Development

"Continuum of Care Competition" is underway.​​


For more information and to participate click the button below

Funding Opportunities

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Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium
 Invitation to Apply for Funding
FY2022 HUD Continuum of Care Funding Competition

Previous Awards

Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium awarded 10 nonprofit organizations and service providers $4,156,171 in 2019


2019 ESG Award Recipients:

The Salvation Army - Rapid Rehousing

The Salvation Army - Emergency Shelter

Bridges to Housing - Emergency Shelter








2019 Allocation - $329,143

The purpose of the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program is to assist individuals and families quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. ESG provides grants by formula to states, metropolitan cities, urban counties and U.S. territories to support homelessness prevention, emergency shelter and related services

2019 CESH Award Recipients:

Adventist Health/Rideout

Casa de Esperanza

The Salvation Army

Hands of Hope

Sutter County







CESH - California Emergency Solutions & Housing

2019 Allocation - $840,764

The California Emergency Solutions and Housing (CESH) Program provides funds for a variety of activities to assist persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness as authorized by SB 850, CESH funds may be used for five primary activities: housing relocation and stabilization services (including rental assistance), operating subsidies for permanent housing, flexible housing subsidy funds, operating support for emergency housing interventions, and systems support for homelessness services and housing delivery systems. 

2019 HEAP Award Recipients:

Habitat for Humanity

Regional Housing Authority

Sutter County

The Salvation Army

Yuba County Displaced Youth








$  35,000

HEAP - Homeless Emergency Aid Program

2019 Allocation - $2,565, 989.96

The Homeless Emergency Aid Program was established by statute to provide localities with flexible block grant funds to address their immediate homelessness challenges.


2020 CSBG Award Recipients:

Bridges to Housing


Salvation Army

Casa de Esperanza

Adventist Health

Habitat for Humanity

Hands of Hope

Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium






$12, 419





CSBG - Community Services Block Grant - Yuba County

2020 Allocation - $202,835

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides funding to local non-profit and public agencies to help alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in their communities. Based on locally determined needs, CSBG agencies promote economic security through services that address homelessness, hunger, unemployment, health and nutrition, emergencies, and more.










2020 CSBG Award Recipients:

Bridges to Housing


Salvation Army

Casa de Esperanza

Hands of Hope

Habitat for Humanity

Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium


CSBG - Community Services Block Grant - Sutter County

2020 Allocation - $168,860

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides funding to local non-profit and public agencies to help alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in their communities. Based on locally determined needs, CSBG agencies promote economic security through services that address homelessness, hunger, unemployment, health and nutrition, emergencies, and more.







2019-2020 CDBG Award Recipients:

Central Valley Homeless Veterans

Bridges to Housing

Hands of Hope

The Salvation Army

Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium


CDBG - Community Services Block Grant - Yuba City

2019-2020 Allocation for homeless services - $48,579

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. 


Sutter Yuba Homeless Consortium

P.O. Box 3642

Yuba City, CA 95992


Coordinated Enter Centers

The Life Building Center

131 F Street, Marysville


Hands of Hope

909 Spiva Avenue, Yuba City


(530) 632-5761

Johnny Burke, Executive Director




(530) 749-6811



(530) 755-3491


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